
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Staying Motivated


One of the hardest parts of running for me is the fact that I get bored! There's just something about running that makes my mind wander to how tired I am, and how sore I am, and how nice it would feel to walk. And then I start slacking, and that's not good! So these are tips and tricks to stay motivated while running.

1. Audio Books
I don't know about you, but running with music just does not hold my interest. I'm always stopping to change the song, or I've heard the song too many times and I don't pay attention to it. Anyway, music just doesn't cut it. So, I went to Audible and downloaded some audio books and put them on my iPod! This way, I can stay entertained while I run.

2. Change Your Scenery
If you run the same path every time, it's going to get real old real fast. Try mixing it up!

3. Buddy System
Run with a friend! If you have a friend running with you, you're less likely to stop when you get tired. You're accountable to the other person, so you have to stay running so that they don't slack off either. 

4. Music
If the audio book option doesn't appeal to you, go ahead and get a running playlist! Try songs like:
Falling Down - Atreyu
Everybody Talks - Neon Trees
Blackout - Breathe Carolina
Lights - Ellie Goulding
Drive By - Train
I Can't Stand to Fall - Philmont
How Far We've Come - Matchbox Twenty
Set Fire to the Rain - Adele
Those are just a few that I've used!

I hope this helps you! And also, stay hydrated! It's very important that you get enough liquids in you before/after you run, especially if you're running outside!
Stay strong! :)

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